Quick start guide

How to connect an LLM

LLM connections act as the engine behind GenAI assistants. They're what give your assistant the ability to understand language, respond to prompts, and generate useful content. If you didn't connect an LLM, your machine learning assistant would be just a shell.

To connect an LLM:

  1. Navigate to Model connections ➔ Create a new model connection.
  2. Name your connection.
  3. Choose your LLM provider. Currently, Motific.ai supports Mistral AI, Azure OpenAI, and AWS Bedrock.
  4. Enter your API key to connect your model. Here's how to find your LLM API key information to connect to Motific.ai:
    • Mistral AI

      From your Mistal account screen, navigate to your Mistral API key account screen and make a new API key by clicking Create new key. Make sure to copy the API key and add it to Motific.ai. Your Mistral models should appear.

    • Azure OpenAI

      From your Azure account screen, navigate to Settings ➔ Select keys to view or create API keys. You'll also need to add deployments for OpenAI.

    • AWS Bedrock

      From your AWS Management Console, navigate to Access keys ➔ Create access key. You can find already-created keys on your security credential screen. You’ll also need to add a model for AWS before you test and connect.

  5. Click Test connection.
  6. If you tested successfully, click Add connection. And you’re all set.

How to connect a knowledge base

A knowledge base (KB) is like a library power booster for your GenAI apps. Attach task and company specific knowledge like internal documents, policies, product details, and customer data to give your GenAI apps the context needed to answer questions or generate content that's relevant.

To connect a knowledge base:

  1. Navigate to Knowledge bases ➔ Create knowledge base.
  2. Next, add data sources. Right now, you can add a web site or a Sharepoint folder. We’re adding more options, so check back for more soon.

For SharePoint

  1. Click Add SharePoint.
  2. Add the SharePoint site URL.
  3. Add the source path to the folder or document library.
  4. Name your data source.
  5. Choose how often the data source should be updated.
  6. If everything looks good, click Add SharePoint.

For a web site

  1. Click Add website.
  2. Add the full URL (Ex. https://www.cisco.com).
  3. Name and describe your website.
  4. Choose how often the source should be updated.
  5. If everything looks good, click Add public website.

For more details, visit our documentation.

How to add a policy

Motific.ai policies are like customizable rulebooks for your GenAI apps, constantly monitoring natural language interactions between GenAI apps and language models. When a policy is violated, it automatically triggers actions you've defined.

When you configure a policy, you decide what's allowed, what's not, and what happens if those rules are broken. Motific.ai has pre-defined policy templates you can customize. 

To add a policy:

  1. Navigate to Policies ➔ Create a new policy.
  2. Name your policy.
  3. Choose a policy from the policy templates. Use them as they are or customize. Policy and how Motific.ai behaves is thoroughly explained in our documentation.
  4. When you are done configuring, click Save policy. Your policy can now be found on your Policies screen.

How to use a Motif via API

The Motific.ai API lets you easily add GenAI features and use ready-made Motifs right within your business applications. To get started:

  1. Select the Motif you'd like to use and click API Definition. Here you see a Motif called “Documentation Chat Assistant,” with specific values for API base URL, token, and Sample cURL. These values are uniquely generated for each Motif.dd
  2. Each HTTP request of the API must include an x-vowel-tenant-id (this is already included in the “Sample cURL" field).
  3. Once you're ready to send requests to your own Motif, be sure to use your own credentials.

    Here's an example using cURL showing you how to prompt a Motif:

    curl -X POST https://api.motific.ai/api/v1/apps/53acd000-faf6-4991-a5a3-f9e876693056/prompts
    -H "Content-Type: application/json"
    -H "x-vowel-tenant-id: 196dc607..."
    -H "Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIs..."
    '-d {"messages":[{"role":"user","content":"Hello Motific chat assistant."}]}' 
  4. Click the Copy icon next to the Sample cURL to get your own version of this command. Now you’re set up to use the API.

For more details, visit our documentation.

How to create a Motif

Your unique business cases drive how Motifs are customized. Motifs combine your chosen LLM, knowledge bases, policies, and user access controls to create a GenAI assistant and its API endpoint. 

To create a Motif:

  1. Navigate to Motifs ➔ Create a new Motif.
  2. Name your Motif.
  3. Select your LLM connection.
  4. Go to the Knowledge base tab and choose a knowledge base.
  5. Go to the Policy tab and choose a policy.
  6. You should see them both in the Summary window.

  7. When you’re ready, choose Add Motif.

Motifs and their uses are explained thoroughly in our documentation.

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